L2P was tasked by Nightingale Properties with designing a refresh for the lobby of 1835 Market Street, a high-rise in downtown Philadelphia. The building is on a highy trafficked corner of the city and has floor-to-ceiling exterior glazing that allows the upgrade to visually impact the surrounding public spaces as well. A mosaic of different sized LightPlane Panels with ViviChrome glass in White was incorporated above each elevator bay. The bottom panel and soffit are separately wired at each elevator to serve as the floor indicator light, illuminating when an elevator arrives and allowing visitors to quickly see which elevator can take them to their destination. The renovations also included a floor-to-ceiling LEVELe Wall Panel mosaic with non-illuminated panels with ViviChrome glass in White on either side of the large video display behind the front desk. Matching glass was also used in the desk itself, completing the white glass theme.
![1835 Market Street](1835 Market Street_ 13_12012020.jpg)
![1835 Market Street](1835 Market Street_ 15_12012020.jpg)
![1835 Market Street](1835 Market Street_ 16_12012020.jpg)
![1835 Market Street](1835 Market Street_ 17_12012020.jpg)
![1835 Market Street](1835 Market Street_ 14_12012020.jpg)